May 23, 2013

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Prior to my miscarriage I was always a 28 CD gal. I never missed a period and it was something I could count on like clockwork. Well since August my menstrual cycle is all out of wack, my cycles vary from 26 to 28 days with a December cycle of 31 days. Most recently though my cycles (February-April) have peaked at 26. Well lucky me (insert heavy sarcasm) I am currently on CD 29 and as I am too scared to test I have no clue as to when AF will show. I can't move forward with my IUI/Injectable cycle unless she shows her ugly head, so the waiting game commences. I imagine the hold up could be my decision to start supplements last month, can this lead to a longer cycle??? I highly doubt I am pregnant as I have no real symptoms except for exhaustion but I sometimes get that prior to my menstrual. Ugh this is all so confusing I just want to be able to move forward. So lets just pray AF shows up in full force by 2 pm today, that is the time given to me by my RE to count today as CD 1.

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