August 12, 2013

First Baby Purchase

Harry Potter Inspired Cloth Pocket Diaper

First Baby Purchase

After  my miscarriage last year it was really difficult to get super excited about this pregnancy so early on as many women do. I decided that I would not make a purchase for the baby until I had successful made it to and through my NT scan at 12 weeks. Well as soon as I was given great results from my test I decided enough was enough and I made my first baby purchase. So the big question for me was what could I purchase for the baby that would be gender neutral, the answer a cloth diaper. I know I know who the heck would want to purchase something a baby would poop in, (waves hands around wildly) ME!!!! So i found an amazing work at home mom (WAHM) who creates and sews the cutest diapers of all time on Etsy called Little Butt Diapers. Seriously check out her page if you are crazy about cloth diapers like I am.  As soon as I spotted her Harry Potter diaper I knew it had to be the diaper that would begin my cloth diaper stash/obsession, everyone who knows me knows I am a huge HP dork and this diaper is just amazing. I haven't received my diaper yet, but when I do I will update this post with pictures of it, for now you can drool over the shop photos of my Little Butt diaper.

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